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Endodontists Can Save Teeth

July 22nd, 2020

An endodontist is a dental specialist who concentrates on root canals, or procedures involving the soft inner tissues of the teeth, otherwise known as the pulp. This type of doctor has gone through extensive training and extra years of schooling to be able to complete these procedures effectively.

You will be referred to an endodontist such as Drs. Manzoli, Russo, Pauk, Desrosiers, Sahakyants if you’re in need of a root canal, or other specific procedures necessitated by a problem tooth. Nowadays, endodontists have the ability to avoid extraction altogether and save your natural tooth by restoring it to a healthy state.

Getting a root canal may not be on the top of your list of fun things to do, but it can make it possible for your endodontist to save a problem tooth if the pulp has become infected with bacteria. During this surgery, Drs. Manzoli, Russo, Pauk, Desrosiers, Sahakyants will remove the infection from the root of the tooth, clean and fill the area, then seal it so bacteria can no longer get inside. Finally, a crown is placed on top of the tooth to prevent damage from occurring down the road.

Sometimes, additional treatment is necessary after a root canal, if you continue to experience pain in the area where the root canal took place. Inflammation and pain that persists after an initial root canal may mean the infection has spread to the bony area that surrounds the tooth.

This can occur if the tooth has experienced trauma, decay, or the crown has been cracked since the surgery. A root-end resection will fix these issues by opening the irritated gum tissues, then removing the infection and filling in the space. It’s unlikely that you will experience more problems following a root-end resection.

Endodontists such as Drs. Manzoli, Russo, Pauk, Desrosiers, Sahakyants have the ability to save and restore problem teeth. When it comes to your oral health, being able to avoid a tooth extraction can be extremely relieving. If you think you may need a root canal, or notice recurring pain in your mouth, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at our Worcester office.

Endodontic Surgery: Is There a Dress Code?

July 15th, 2020

If you’re scheduled for endodontic surgery at our Worcester office in the near future, you probably have a lot of very important questions:

  • Will it help? An endodontist has the skill and experience to diagnose and treat conditions affecting your inner tooth, the pulp of the tooth, and the tissues surrounding the root. Endodontists are the experts in this specialty, so you are in good hands!
  • Will it hurt? Your endodontist will offer you options for anesthesia, so you can choose the sedation experience which will make you most comfortable.
  • What should I do after surgery? Don’t worry! Drs. Manzoli, Russo, Pauk, Desrosiers, Sahakyants will give you clear instructions on caring for the surgical site, selecting soothing diet options, cleaning your mouth, and all of the other practices that will enable a speedy and smooth recovery.
  • What should I wear? Wait—fashion questions?

Yes! Part of being prepared for your surgery is being as comfortable as you can be during and after the procedure. Happily, there is no strict dress code for endodontic surgery. It’s more a basic list of recommendations for what not to wear.

  • Don’t wear something you’re not comfortable in. Generally, loose fitting clothing is best.
  • Don’t wear clothing that might be difficult to clean. While you and your clothing will be well protected, blood, irrigation, and other staining hazards are all occasionally part of the surgical process.
  • Don’t wear something that will be difficult to remove after surgery. No one wants to struggle out of a tight turtleneck even at the best of times!
  • Don’t wear jewelry. And, by the way, this includes tongue and facial piercings.
  • Don’t be afraid to layer. While the office staff will try to make sure you are as warm or as cool as you would like to be, it’s a good idea to bring a jacket or sweater for extra warmth.
  • Don’t wear tight sleeves. Short sleeves or sleeves that can be rolled up easily allow access to your arm if you are having IV sedation or blood pressure monitoring.
  • Don’t wear contact lenses, especially if you are planning on IV sedation or a general anesthetic, because your eyes might be closed throughout the procedure.

If you have any questions in advance of your endodontic surgery, give our Worcester office a call. Planning ahead is always in fashion!

Meet Dr. Kaplan

July 14th, 2020

Central New England Endodontics and Implantology is excited to announce that we have a new doctor joining our team! Let us introduce you to Dr. Kaplan, specializing in Root Canal Therapy.

Dr. Kaplan has been practicing in Rhode Island and Massachusetts for over 22 years. He has had the honor of being selected as America’s top dentist in the field of endodontics for the past 16 years in a row. Dr. Kaplan also served as a clinical instructor and professor at Tufts University and Boston University School of Dental Medicine where he taught post-graduate residents. Currently, he runs the endodontics department and teaches the AEDG residents at U. Mass Memorial Hospital.

We can’t wait for you to meet Dr. Kaplan!

Our Latest Office Updates

July 13th, 2020

Happy July from Central New England Endodontics and Implantology. We hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful start to the summer. If you weren’t already aware our office reopened on May 18, 2020, so we are ready to see you.

Before you arrive at your appointment there are a few new health implementations to be aware of. If you are a new patient, you can access the new patient forms on our website and fill them out prior to coming in. We ask all patients to bring and wear a face covering. Additionally, standard COVID questions will be asked when scheduling an appointment and again upon checking in. Your temperature will be taken upon arrival.

We ask that patients come alone and if that is not possible, we kindly ask that any accompanying people present wait in their car or come back to pick up the patient after the appointment. This helps us limit the number of people in the office and stick to social distancing measures. We thank each and every one of you for your cooperation during this time!

So far, with the new health implementations, we have received positive feedback from patients regarding visits and our new procedures to keep everyone safe and healthy. We do everything in our power to make sure your time with us is safe and comfortable so that you leave our office feeling satisfied.

If you are experiencing tooth discomfort or have questions about our procedures please give us a call to learn how we can help you. We hope to see you soon!